Needless to Say I Will Not Take Hii Again
Pleonasm (; from Ancient Greek πλεονασμός, pleonasmós , from πλέον, pleon 'to be in excess')[one] [2] is redundancy in linguistic expression, such as "black darkness" or "burning fire". It is a manifestation of tautology by traditional rhetorical criteria, and might exist considered a error of style.[three] Pleonasm may also be used for emphasis, or because the phrase has become established in a certain course. Tautology and pleonasm are non consistently differentiated in literature.[4]
Usage [edit]
Most frequently, pleonasm is understood to mean a word or phrase which is useless, clichéd, or repetitive, but a pleonasm tin can also be just an unremarkable apply of idiom. It can aid in achieving a specific linguistic event, exist it social, poetic or literary. Pleonasm sometimes serves the aforementioned function equally rhetorical repetition—it tin can be used to reinforce an idea, contention or question, rendering writing clearer and easier to understand. Pleonasm can serve equally a back-up check; if a word is unknown, misunderstood, misheard, or if the medium of communication is poor—a wireless telephone connection or sloppy handwriting—pleonastic phrases can help ensure that the significant is communicated even if some of the words are lost.[ citation needed ]
Idiomatic expressions [edit]
Some pleonastic phrases are part of a language's idiom, like "tuna fish" and "safe haven" in American English. They are so common that their employ is unremarkable and often even unnoticeable for native speakers, although in many cases the redundancy can be dropped with no loss of meaning.
When expressing possibility, English speakers oftentimes use potentially pleonastic expressions such as It may be possible or maybe it'due south possible, where both terms (verb may or adverb perhaps along with the adjective possible) have the same meaning under certain constructions. Many speakers of English language use such expressions for possibility in full general, such that most instances of such expressions by those speakers are in fact pleonastic. Others, notwithstanding, use this expression only to indicate a distinction between ontological possibility and epistemic possibility, as in "Both the ontological possibility of Ten under current conditions and the ontological impossibility of X under electric current weather condition are epistemically possible" (in logical terms, "I am non enlightened of any facts inconsistent with the truth of proposition Ten, only I am also not aware of whatever facts inconsistent with the truth of the negation of X"). The habitual use of the double construction to indicate possibility per se is far less widespread among speakers of near other languages (except in Spanish; meet examples); rather, almost all speakers of those languages utilize one term in a single expression:
- French: Il est possible or il peut arriver.
- Romanian: Este posibil or se poate întâmpla.
- Typical Spanish pleonasms
- Voy a subir arriba – I am going to become up upstairs, "arriba" not being necessary.
- Entra adentro – enter inside, "adentro" not being necessary.
- Turkish has many pleonastic constructs considering certain verbs necessitate objects:
- yemek yemek – to swallow food.
- yazı yazmak – to write writing.
- dışarı çıkmak – to get out exterior.
- içeri girmek – to enter inside.
- oyun oynamak – to play a game.
In a satellite-framed linguistic communication like English language, verb phrases containing particles that denote direction of move are so frequent that even when such a particle is pleonastic, it seems natural to include it (e.g. "enter into").
Professional and scholarly apply [edit]
Some pleonastic phrases, when used in professional or scholarly writing, may reflect a standardized usage that has evolved or a meaning familiar to specialists but not necessarily to those outside that bailiwick. Such examples as "null and void", "terms and conditions", "each and every" are legal doublets that are function of legally operative linguistic communication that is ofttimes drafted into legal documents. A classic example of such usage was that past the Lord Chancellor at the time (1864), Lord Westbury, in the English case of ex parte Gorely,[v] when he described a phrase in an Act equally "redundant and pleonastic". Although this type of usage may be favored in sure contexts, information technology may also be disfavored when used gratuitously to portray false erudition, obfuscate, or otherwise introduce verbiage. This is particularly so in disciplines where imprecision may introduce ambiguities (such every bit the natural sciences).[vi]
Of the aforementioned phrases, "terms and weather condition" may non exist pleonastic in some legal systems, as they refer non to a set provisions forming part of a contract, but rather to the specific terms workout the effect of the contract or a contractual provision to a futurity outcome. In these cases, terms and conditions imply respectively the certainty or doubt of said event (e.thou., in Brazilian law, a testament has the initial term for coming into force the death of the testator, while a wellness insurance has the condition of the insured suffering a or 1 of a set of certain injuries from a or ane of a set of sure causes).
Stylistic preference [edit]
In addition, pleonasms can serve purposes external to meaning. For example, a speaker who is too terse is oft interpreted every bit lacking ease or grace, because, in oral and sign language, sentences are spontaneously created without the benefit of editing. The restriction on the ability to plan often creates much back-up. In written linguistic communication, removing words not strictly necessary sometimes makes writing seem stilted or awkward, specially if the words are cut from an idiomatic expression.
On the other hand, as is the instance with any literary or rhetorical effect, excessive use of pleonasm weakens writing and speech; words distract from the content. Writers desirous of obfuscating a certain idea or a purpose frequently obscure their meaning by means of excess verbiage. William Strunk Jr. advocated concision in The Elements of Fashion (1918):
Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should incorporate no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the aforementioned reason that a cartoon should accept no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires non that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects simply in outline, merely that every word tell.
Literary uses [edit]
Examples from Baroque, Mannerist, and Victorian provide a counterpoint to Strunk's advancement of concise writing:
- "This was the most unkindest cut of all." —William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (Act 3, Scene two, 183)
- "I will be brief: your noble son is mad:/Mad call I it; for, to define true madness,/What is't simply to be zippo else but mad?" — Village (Act 2, Scene ii)
- "Let me tell yous this, when social workers offer you lot, free, gratuitous and for cypher, something to hinder you from swooning, which with them is an obsession, it is useless to recoil ..." —Samuel Beckett, Molloy
Types [edit]
There are diverse kinds of pleonasm, including bilingual tautological expressions, syntactic pleonasm, semantic pleonasm and morphological pleonasm:
Bilingual tautological expressions [edit]
A bilingual tautological expression is a phrase that combines words that mean the same affair in two different languages.[seven] : 138 An case of a bilingual tautological expression is the Yiddish expression מים אחרונים וואַסער mayim akhroynem vaser. It literally means "water terminal water" and refers to "water for washing the hands after meal, grace water".[seven] : 138 Its first element, mayim, derives from the Hebrew מים ['majim] "water". Its second element, vaser, derives from the German language Wasser "water".
Co-ordinate to Ghil'ad Zuckermann, Yiddish abounds with both bilingual tautological compounds and bilingual tautological first names.[7] : 138
The following are examples of bilingual tautological compounds in Yiddish:
- פֿינצטער חושך fíntster khóyshekh "very dark", literally "dark darkness", traceable back to the High german give-and-take finster "dark" and the Hebrew word חושך ħōshekh "darkness".[seven] : 138
- חמור-אייזל khameréyzļ "womanizer", literally "donkey-donkey", traceable back to the Hebrew give-and-take חמור [ħă'mōr] "donkey" and the German word Esel "donkey".[seven] : 138
The following are examples of bilingual tautological first names (anthroponyms) in Yiddish:
- דוב-בער Dov-Ber, literally "bear-bear", traceable back to the Hebrew word דב dov "deport" and the German word Bär "bear".[seven] : 138
- צבי-הירש Tsvi-Hirsh, literally "deer-deer", traceable back to the Hebrew word צבי tsvi "deer" and the German word Hirsch "deer".[seven] : 138
- זאב-וואָלף Ze'ev-Volf, literally "wolf-wolf", traceable back to the Hebrew word זאב ze'ev "wolf" and the German word Wolf "wolf".[vii] : 138
- אריה-לייב Arye-Leyb, literally "panthera leo-lion", traceable back to the Hebrew word אריה arye "king of beasts" and the High german give-and-take Löwe "king of beasts".[vii] : 138
Examples occurring in English-linguistic communication contexts include:
- River Avon, literally "River River", from Welsh
- the Sahara Desert, literally "the The Desert Desert", from Arabic.
- the La Brea Tar Pits, literally "the The Tar Tar Pits", from Spanish.
- the hoi polloi, literally "the the many", from Greek.
An example of English language embedded tautologically in German is java to go zum mitnehmen, where zum mitnehmen is High german equivalent to English language to get.[8]
Syntactic pleonasm [edit]
Syntactic pleonasm occurs when the grammar of a linguistic communication makes certain office words optional. For instance, consider the following English language sentences:
- "I know y'all're coming."
- "I know that you're coming."
In this construction, the conjunction that is optional when joining a sentence to a verb phrase with know. Both sentences are grammatically right, just the word that is pleonastic in this example. By contrast, when a sentence is in spoken form and the verb involved is one of assertion, the apply of that makes clear that the present speaker is making an indirect rather than a direct quotation, such that he is not imputing particular words to the person he describes as having made an assertion; the demonstrative adjective that likewise does not fit such an example. Also, some writers may use "that" for technical clarity reasons.[9] In some languages, such every bit French, the word is not optional and should therefore not be considered pleonastic.
The aforementioned miracle occurs in Spanish with subject field pronouns. Since Spanish is a naught-bailiwick language, which allows field of study pronouns to be deleted when understood, the following sentences hateful the same:
- " Yo te amo. "
- " Te amo. "
In this instance, the pronoun yo ('I') is grammatically optional; both sentences hateful "I love you" (still, they may not have the same tone or intention—this depends on pragmatics rather than grammar). Such differing but syntactically equivalent constructions, in many languages, may besides bespeak a difference in annals.
The procedure of deleting pronouns is called pro-dropping, and it also happens in many other languages, such as Korean, Japanese, Hungarian, Latin, Italian, Portuguese, Swahili, Slavic languages, and the Lao language.
In contrast, formal English requires an overt field of study in each clause. A sentence may not need a subject to have valid meaning, simply to satisfy the syntactic requirement for an explicit subject a pleonastic (or dummy pronoun) is used; only the offset judgement in the post-obit pair is acceptable English:
- "It'southward raining."
- * "Is raining."
In this case the pleonastic "it" fills the field of study office, however, it does not contribute any pregnant to the sentence. The second sentence, which omits the pleonastic information technology is marked every bit ungrammatical although no meaning is lost by the omission.[x] Elements such equally "information technology" or "in that location," serving as empty subject markers, are also chosen (syntactic) expletives, and also dummy pronouns. Compare:
- "At that place is rain."
- * "Today is pelting."
The pleonastic ne ( ne pléonastique ), expressing dubiousness in formal French, works equally follows:
- " Je crains qu'il ne pleuve. "
('I fear it may rain.') - " Ces idées sont plus difficiles à comprendre que je ne pensais. "
('These ideas are harder to empathize than I thought.')
Two more hit examples of French pleonastic structure are aujourd'hui and Qu'est-ce que c'est? .
The word aujourd'hui / au jour d'hui is translated every bit 'today', but originally means "on the twenty-four hour period of today" since the now obsolete hui means "today". The expression au jour d'aujourd'hui (translated as "on the solar day of today") is common in oral communication and demonstrates that the original construction of aujourd'hui is lost. It is considered a pleonasm.
The phrase Qu'est-ce que c'est? pregnant 'What'south that?' or 'What is it?', while literally, it means "What is it that it is?".
At that place are examples of the pleonastic, or dummy, negative in English, such equally the construction, heard in the New England region of the The states, in which the phrase "So don't I" is intended to have the aforementioned positive meaning equally "And then practice I."[11] [12]
When Robert South said, "It is a pleonasm, a figure usual in Scripture, by a multiplicity of expressions to signify one notable thing",[13] he was observing the Biblical Hebrew poetic propensity to echo thoughts in different words, since written Biblical Hebrew was a insufficiently early form of written language and was written using oral patterning, which has many pleonasms. In item, very many verses of the Psalms are divide into 2 halves, each of which says much the same thing in different words. The complex rules and forms of written language as distinct from spoken language were not equally well-developed as they are today when the books making up the Quondam Testament were written.[14] [15] See also parallelism (rhetoric).
This same pleonastic style remains very mutual in modern poetry and songwriting (e.g., "Anne, with her father / is out in the boat / riding the water / riding the waves / on the bounding main", from Peter Gabriel's "Mercy Street").
Types of syntactic pleonasm [edit]
- Overinflection: Many languages with inflection, as a result of convention, tend to inflect more words in a given phrase than really needed in order to express a single grammatical property. Take for case the German, Die alten Frauen sprechen ("The old women speak"). Fifty-fifty though the utilise of the plural grade of the noun Frau ("woman", plural Frauen) shows the grammatical number of the noun phrase, agreement in the German language language still dictates that the definite article die, attributive adjective alten, and the verb sprechen must all also be in the plural. Not all languages are quite as redundant however, and will permit inflection for number when there is an obvious numerical marker, every bit is the example with Hungarian, which does have a plural proper, but would express two flowers as 2 flower. (The same is the case in Celtic languages, where numerical markers precede singular nouns.) The principal dissimilarity betwixt Hungarian and other tongues such as German language or fifty-fifty English (to a lesser extent) is that in either of the latter, expressing plurality when already evident is not optional, but mandatory; making the fail of these rules result in an ungrammatical sentence. As well equally for number, our aforementioned High german phrase besides overinflects for grammatical case.
- Multiple negation: In some languages, repeated negation may be used for emphasis, as in the English language sentence, "There ain't naught incorrect with that". While a literal interpretation of this sentence would exist "There is not nothing wrong with that," i.e. "At that place is something wrong with that," the intended meaning is, in fact, the contrary: "There is nothing wrong with that" or "In that location isn't anything wrong with that." The repeated negation is used pleonastically for emphasis. However, this is not always the case. In the sentence "I practisen't not like it," the repeated negative may be used to convey ambiguity ("I neither like nor dislike it") or even affirmation ("I do like it"). (Rhetorically, this becomes the device of litotes; it can be difficult to distinguish litotes from pleonastic double negation, a feature which may be used for ironic effect.) Although the employ of "double negatives" for emphatic purposes is sometimes discouraged in standard English, information technology is mandatory in other languages similar Spanish or French. For example, the Spanish phrase No es nothing ('It is nothing') contains both a negated verb ("no es") and some other negative, the give-and-take for zip ("naught").
- Multiple affirmations: In English, repeated affirmation can be used to add emphasis to an affirmative statement, just every bit repeated negation can add together accent to a negative one. A sentence like I do honey you, with a stronger intonation on the do, uses double affirmation. This is considering English, by default, automatically expresses its sentences in the affirmative and must then alter the sentence in one way or another to express the reverse. Therefore, the judgement I love yous is already affirmative, and adding the extra do only adds accent and does not change the significant of the statement.
- Double possession: The double genitive of English, as with a friend of mine, is seemingly pleonastic, and therefore has been stigmatized, merely it has a long history of use by careful writers and has been analyzed as either a partitive genitive or an appositive genitive.
- Multiple quality gradation: In English, dissimilar degrees of comparison (comparatives and superlatives) are created through a morphological modify to an adjective (due east.thousand. "prettier", "fastest") or a syntactic structure (e.grand. "more than circuitous", "virtually impressive"). It is thus possible to combine both forms for additional emphasis: "more bigger" or "bestest". This may be considered ungrammatical, but is common in informal speech communication for some English speakers. "The most unkindest cut of all" is from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Musical notation has a repeated Italian height in fortississimo and pianississimo.
- Non all uses of constructions such as "more bigger" are pleonastic, all the same. Some speakers who use such utterances practise and then in an try, albeit a grammatically unconventional ane, to create a non-pleonastic construction: A person who says "X is more bigger than Y" may, in the context of a chat featuring a previous comparison of some object Z with Y, mean "The degree past which X exceeds Y in size is greater than the degree past which Z exceeds Y in size". This usage amounts to the treatment of "bigger than Y" as a single grammatical unit, namely an adjective itself albeit of degrees, such that "Ten is more bigger than Y" is equivalent to "X is more than bigger-than-Y than Z is." Another common way to express this is: "X is even bigger than Z."
Semantic pleonasm [edit]
Semantic pleonasm is a question more of style and usage than of grammar.[16] Linguists usually call this redundancy to avoid confusion with syntactic pleonasm, a more than important miracle for theoretical linguistics. Information technology usually takes one of two forms: Overlap or prolixity.
Overlap: I give-and-take'south semantic component is subsumed by the other:
- "Receive a free gift with every buy.", a gift is already gratuitous.
- "I ate a tuna fish sandwich."
- "The plumber stock-still our hot water heater." (This pleonasm was famously attacked by American comedian George Carlin,[17] but is not truly redundant; a device that increases the temperature of cold water to room temperature would also exist a water heater.)
- The Large Friendly Behemothic (title of a children's book by Roald Dahl), a giant is inherently already big
Prolixity: A phrase may have words which add cipher, or zippo logical or relevant, to the meaning.
- "I'yard going down south."
(South is not really "down", information technology is just drawn that style on maps by convention.) - "You tin can't seem to face upwardly to the facts."
- "He entered into the room."
- "Every mother'due south child" (as in 'The Christmas Song' past Nat King Cole', too known equally 'Chestnuts roasting...').[18] (Beingness a child, or a human at all, generally implies being the kid of/to a mother. So the back-up here is used to broaden the context of the child's curiosity regarding the sleigh of Santa Claus, including the concept of maternity. The full line goes: "And every mother's child is gonna spy, to see if reindeer actually know how to wing". I can furthermore argue that the word "mother" is included for the purpose of lyrical flow, adding two syllables, which make the line audio consummate, as "every kid" would exist too short to fit the lyrical/rhyme scheme. )
- "What therefore God hath joined together, let no homo put disconnected."
- "He raised upwardly his hands in a gesture of surrender."
- "Where are you at?"
- "Located" or similar earlier a preposition: "the shop is located on Main St." The preposition contains the idea of locatedness and does not need a servant.
- "The firm itself" for "the firm", and like: unnecessary re-specifiers.
- "Actual fact": fact.
- "On a daily basis": daily.
- "This particular item": this item.
- "Different" or "separate" after numbers: for example:
- "4 different species" are only "four species", every bit ii not-different species are together one aforementioned species. (However, in "a discount if you purchase x different items", "dissimilar" has pregnant, because if the ten items include two packets of frozen peas of the same weight and make, those ten items are non all unlike.)
- "Nine separate cars": cars are ever split.
- "Despite the fact that": although.
An expression like "tuna fish", notwithstanding, might elicit i of many possible responses, such as:
- Information technology will simply be accustomed as synonymous with "tuna".
- It will exist perceived as redundant (and thus perhaps silly, casuistic, ignorant, inefficient, dialectal, odd, and/or intentionally humorous).
- It volition imply a distinction. A reader of "tuna fish" could properly wonder: "Is there a kind of tuna which is not a fish? There is, after all, a dolphin mammal and a dolphin fish." This supposition turns out to be right, equally a "tuna" tin likewise mean a prickly pear.[19] Further, "tuna fish" is sometimes used to refer to the mankind of the beast as opposed to the animal itself (like to the distinction between beef and cattle).[19]
- Information technology will be perceived as a verbal clarification, since the word "tuna" is quite brusque, and may, for example, exist misheard as "melody" followed past an aspiration, or (in dialects that drop the final -r sound) as "tuner".
Careful speakers, and writers, too, are enlightened of pleonasms, especially with cases such as "tuna fish", which is normally used only in some dialects of American English, and would sound strange in other variants of the language, and even odder in translation into other languages.
Similar situations are:
- "Ink pen" instead of merely "pen" in the southern United States, where "pen" and "pin" are pronounced similarly.
- "Extra accessories" which must be ordered separately for a new camera, as singled-out from the accessories provided with the camera as sold.
Non all constructions that are typically pleonasms are so in all cases, nor are all constructions derived from pleonasms themselves pleonastic:
- "Put that glass over there on the table."
This could, depending on room layout, mean "Put that glass on the table across the room, not the tabular array right in front of you lot"; if the room were laid out like that, about English speakers would intuitively empathise that the distant, non immediate table was the one existence referred to; still, if there were merely i table in the room, the phrase would indeed exist pleonastic. Also, it could mean, "Put that glass on the spot (on the tabular array) which I am gesturing to"; thus, in this case, it is not pleonastic. - "I'm going fashion downwards South."
This may imply "I'm going much farther south than you might call back if I didn't stress the southerliness of my destination"; but such phrasing is also sometimes—and sometimes jokingly—used pleonastically when simply "southward" would do; information technology depends upon the context, the intent of the speaker/author, and ultimately even on the expectations of the listener/reader.
Morphemic pleonasm [edit]
Morphemes, not merely words, can enter the realm of pleonasm: Some discussion-parts are simply optional in various languages and dialects. A familiar case to American English language speakers would be the allegedly optional "-al-", probably most commonly seen in "publically" vs. "publicly"—both spellings are considered correct/acceptable in American English language, and both pronounced the same, in this dialect, rendering the "publically" spelling pleonastic in US English; in other dialects it is "required", while information technology is quite conceivable that in another generation or so of American English it volition be "forbidden". This treatment of words ending in "-ic", "-ac", etc., is quite inconsistent in US English—compare "maniacally" or "forensically" with "stoicly" or "heroicly"; "forensicly" doesn't look "right" in any dialect, but "heroically" looks internally redundant to many Americans. (Besides, in that location are thousands of more often than not American Google search results for "eroticly", some in reputable publications, only it does not even appear in the 23-volume, 23,000-page, 500,000-definition Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the largest in the world; and even American dictionaries give the correct spelling equally "erotically".) In a more mod pair of words, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers dictionaries say that "electric" and "electrical" mean the same matter. However, the usual adverb form is "electrically". (For example, "The glass rod is electrically charged by rubbing it with silk".)
Some[ who? ] (mostly US-based) prescriptive grammer pundits would say that the "-ly" not "-ally" form is "correct" in whatever example in which there is no "-ical" variant of the basic word, and vice versa; i.e. "maniacally", not "maniacly", is right considering "maniacal" is a discussion, while "publicly", not "publically", must be correct because "publical" is (arguably) not a real word (it does not appear in the OED). This logic is in dubiousness, since almost if not all "-ical" constructions arguably are "real" words and most accept certainly occurred more than than in one case in "reputable" publications, and are also immediately understood by whatsoever educated reader of English even if they "look funny" to some, or do non appear in popular dictionaries. Additionally, there are numerous examples of words that have very widely accustomed extended forms that take skipped one or more than intermediary forms, e.g. "disestablishmentarian" in the absence of "disestablishmentary" (which does not appear in the OED). At whatsoever rate, while some US editors might consider "-ally" vs. "-ly" to be pleonastic in some cases, the majority of other English language speakers would not, and many "-ally" words are not pleonastic to anyone, even in American English.[ citation needed ]
The most common definitely pleonastic morphological usage in English is "irregardless", which is very widely criticized as existence a not-word. The standard usage is "regardless", which is already negative; calculation the boosted negative ir- is interpreted by some as logically reversing the pregnant to "with regard to/for", which is certainly not what the speaker intended to convey. (According to most dictionaries that include it, "irregardless" appears to derive from confusion between "regardless" and "irrespective", which have overlapping meanings.)
Morphemic pleonasm in Modern Standard Chinese [edit]
There are several instances in Chinese vocabulary where pleonasms and cognate objects are nowadays. Their presence usually betoken the plural form of the substantive or the noun in formal context.
- 书 – 书籍 ('book(s)' – in general)
- 纸 – 纸张 ('paper, tissue, pieces of newspaper' – formal)
In some instances, the pleonasmic form of the verb is used with the intention as an emphasis to 1 meaning of the verb, isolating them from their idiomatic and figurative uses. Merely over time, the pseudo-object, which sometimes repeats the verb, is almost inherently coupled with the it.
For example, the give-and-take 睡 ('to sleep') is an intransitive verb, but may express dissimilar significant when coupled with objects of prepositions as in "to sleep with". However, in Standard mandarin, 睡 is commonly coupled with a pseudo-character 觉 , yet it is non entirely a cognate object, to express the deed of resting.
- 我要睡 ('I desire sleep'). Although such usage of 睡 is non institute among native speakers of Mandarin and may audio awkward, this expression is grammatically right and it is clear that 睡 means 'to sleep/to residue' in this context.
- 我要睡觉 ('I want to sleep') and 我要睡了 ('I'm going to sleep'). In this context, 睡觉 ('to sleep') is a complete verb and native speakers often limited themselves this mode. Adding this particle clears any suspicion from using it with any direct object shown in the next example:
- 我要睡她 ('I want to accept sexual practice with her') and 我要和她睡 ('I want to sleep with her'). When the verb follows an breathing directly object 她 the pregnant changes dramatically. The first instance is mainly seen in colloquial speech. Notation that the object of preposition of "to have sex activity with" is the equivalent of the direct object of 睡 in Mandarin.
Ane can also discover a manner around this verb, using another one which does not is used to express idiomatic expressions nor necessitate a pleonasm, because it only has 1 meaning:
- 我要就寝 ('I want "to dorm"')
Nevertheless, 就寝 is a verb used in high-register diction, just like English language verbs with Latin roots.
There is no relationship found betwixt Chinese and English regarding verbs that can take pleonasms and cognate objects. Although the verb to sleep may take a cognate object as in "sleep a restful slumber", it is a pure coincidence, since verbs of this form are more common in Chinese than in English; and when the English verb is used without the cognate objects, its diction is natural and its meaning is clear in every level of wording, as in "I want to slumber" and "I want to take a rest".
Subtler redundancies [edit]
In some cases, the back-up in meaning occurs at the syntactic level in a higher place the word, such as at the phrase level:
- "It's déjà vu all over again."
- "I never make predictions, especially nigh the hereafter."
The back-up of these two well-known statements is deliberate, for humorous consequence. (Meet Yogi Berra#"Yogi-isms".) Merely one does hear educated people say "my predictions about the future of politics" for "my predictions about politics", which are equivalent in significant. While predictions are necessarily about the time to come (at least in relation to the fourth dimension the prediction was made), the nature of this future can be subtle ( thousand., "I predict that he died a calendar week agone"—the prediction is nigh future discovery or proof of the date of death, not nearly the death itself). Generally "the time to come" is assumed, making near constructions of this sort pleonastic. The latter humorous quote in a higher place about not making predictions – past Yogi Berra – is non really a pleonasm, but rather an ironic play on words. Alternatively information technology could be an analogy between predict and guess.
Nonetheless, "Information technology's déjà vu all over again" could hateful that there was earlier another déjà vu of the aforementioned event or thought, which has now arisen for a third time; or that the speaker had very recently experienced a déjà vu of a different idea.
Back-up, and "useless" or "nonsensical" words (or phrases, or morphemes), can too be inherited by one language from the influence of some other and are not pleonasms in the more critical sense just actual changes in grammatical construction considered to be required for "proper" usage in the linguistic communication or dialect in question. Irish English, for example, is prone to a number of constructions that non-Irish speakers find strange and sometimes direct confusing or silly:
- "I'm after putting it on the table."
('I [accept] put information technology on the table.') This example further shows that the outcome, whether pleonastic or only pseudo-pleonastic, can employ to words and word-parts, and multi-give-and-take phrases, given that the fullest rendition would be "I am afterward putting it on the tabular array". - "Take a look at your human there."
('Accept a look at that human being there.') An instance of word exchange, rather than addition, that seems illogical outside the dialect. This common possessive-seeming construction often confuses the non-Irish gaelic enough that they do not at first sympathize what is meant. Even "Have a look at that man there" is arguably further doubly redundant, in that a shorter "Look at that man" version would convey substantially the same meaning. - "She's my wife so she is."
('She's my wife.') Duplicate subject and verb, mail service-complement, used to emphasize a simple factual statement or exclamation.
All of these constructions originate from the awarding of Irish gaelic grammatical rules to the English dialect spoken, in varying particular forms, throughout the island.
Seemingly "useless" additions and substitutions must be assorted with similar constructions that are used for stress, humor, or other intentional purposes, such equally:
- "I abso-fuckin'-lutely agree!"
(tmesis, for stress) - "Topless-shmopless—nudity doesn't distract me."
(shm-reduplication, for humor)
The latter of these is a result of Yiddish influences on mod English language, especially East Coast US English.
Sometimes editors and grammatical stylists volition apply "pleonasm" to draw unproblematic wordiness. This miracle is besides called prolixity or logorrhea. Compare:
- "The sound of the loud music drowned out the audio of the burglary."
- "The loud music drowned out the audio of the burglary."
or even:
- "The music drowned out the burglary."
The reader or hearer does not take to be told that loud music has a sound, and in a newspaper headline or other abbreviated prose tin even be counted upon to infer that "burglary" is a proxy for "sound of the burglary" and that the music necessarily must have been loud to drown information technology out, unless the burglary was relatively quiet (this is not a little consequence, as it may affect the legal culpability of the person who played the music); the discussion "loud" may imply that the music should have been played quietly if at all. Many are disquisitional of the excessively abbreviated constructions of "headline-itis" or "newsspeak", then "loud [music]" and "sound of the [break-in]" in the in a higher place example should probably not be properly regarded as pleonastic or otherwise genuinely redundant, but just as informative and clarifying.
Prolixity is too used to obfuscate, confuse, or euphemize and is not necessarily redundant or pleonastic in such constructions, though it often is. "Post-traumatic stress disorder" (vanquish shock) and "pre-owned vehicle" (used auto) are both tumid euphemisms but are not redundant. Redundant forms, all the same, are especially common in business, political, and academic linguistic communication that is intended to sound impressive (or to be vague so as to arrive difficult to determine what is actually being promised, or otherwise misleading). For case: "This quarter, nosotros are presently focusing with conclusion on an all-new, innovative integrated methodology and framework for rapid expansion of customer-oriented external programs designed and developed to bring the company's consumer-beginning paradigm into the marketplace as chop-chop as possible."
In contrast to redundancy, an oxymoron results when two seemingly contradictory words are adjoined.
Foreign words [edit]
Redundancies sometimes take the grade of foreign words whose meaning is repeated in the context:
- "Nosotros went to the El Restaurante restaurant."
- "The La Brea tar pits are fascinating."
- "Roast beef served with au jus sauce."
- "Please R.S.Five.P."
- "The Schwarzwald Forest is deep and dark."
- "The Drakensberg Mountains are in South Africa."
- LibreRole office suite.
- The hoi polloi.
- I'd like to have a chai tea.
These sentences use phrases which mean, respectively, "the the eating place restaurant", "the the tar tar", "with in juice sauce" so on. Yet, many times these redundancies are necessary—especially when the strange words make upwards a name every bit opposed to a mutual ane. For instance, "We went to Il Ristorante" is acceptable provided the audience can infer that it is a eatery. (If they understand Italian and English it might, if spoken, be misinterpreted as a generic reference and not a proper noun, leading the hearer to ask "Which ristorante do you mean?"—such confusions are mutual in richly bilingual areas like Montreal or the American Southwest when mixing phrases from 2 languages.) But avoiding the redundancy of the Spanish phrase in the second case would only go out an awkward alternative: "La Brea pits are fascinating".
Most detect it best to non even drop articles when using proper nouns fabricated from strange languages:
- "The film is playing at the El Capitan theater."
This is besides similar to the handling of definite and indefinite articles in titles of books, films, etc. where the article tin—some would say must—exist nowadays where it would otherwise be "forbidden":
- "Stephen King's The Shining is scary."
(Normally, the article would be left off following a possessive.) - "I'chiliad having an An American Werewolf in London movie night at my place."
(Seemingly doubled article, which would be taken for a stutter or typographical fault in other contexts.)
Some cross-linguistic redundancies, especially in placenames, occur because a word in one language became the title of a place in another (e.thou., the Sahara Desert—"Sahara" is an English approximation of the word for "deserts" in Arabic). "The Los Angeles Angels" professional baseball team is literally "the The Angels Angels." A supposed extreme example is Torpenhow Colina in Cumbria, if etymologized as significant "hill" in the language of each of the cultures that accept lived in the area during recorded history, could be translated as "Hillhillhill Loma". Come across the List of tautological place names for many more examples.
Acronyms and initialisms [edit]
Acronyms and initialisms can as well class the basis for redundancies; this is known humorously every bit RAS syndrome (for Redundant Acronym Syndrome syndrome):
- "I forgot my PIN number for the ATM machine" is actually: "I forgot my Personal Identification Number number for the Automated Teller Motorcar machine."
- "I upgraded the RAM retentiveness of my computer."
- "She is infected with the HIV virus."
- "I have installed a CMS system on my server."
- "Physics is based on the SI system of units."
In all the examples listed above, the word after the acronym repeats a give-and-take represented in the acronym—respectively, "Personal Identification Number number", "Automated Teller Machine machine", "Random Access Memory retentiveness", "Human Immunodeficiency Virus virus", "Content Direction Organization system", "International System of Units". (See RAS syndrome for many more examples.) The expansion of an acronym like PIN or HIV may be well known to English language speakers, but the acronyms themselves have come to be treated as words, and then little thought is given to what their expansion is (and "PIN" is as well pronounced the same equally the word "pin"; disambiguation is probably the source of "PIN number"; "SIN number" for "Social Insurance Number number" [sic] is a similar common phrase in Canada.) Just redundant acronyms are more than common with technical (e.1000. computer) terms where well-informed speakers recognize the redundancy and consider it silly or ignorant, but mainstream users might not, since they may not be aware or certain of the total expansion of an acronym like "RAM". In the case of the International Organization of Units, the redundancy is complicated by the French name, Le Système International. d'Unités. This results in a statement such every bit "the International Organization of units system is better than the English system.".
Typographical [edit]
Some redundancies are simply typographical. For case, when a short inflexional give-and-take similar "the" occurs at the end of a line, it is very common to accidentally repeat it at the beginning of the following line, and a large number of readers would non even notice it.
Apparent redunancies that actually are not redundant [edit]
Carefully constructed expressions, especially in poetry and political language, but also some general usages in everyday speech, may appear to be redundant but are not. This is most common with cognate objects (a verb's object that is cognate with the verb):
- "She slept a deep sleep."
Or, a archetype example from Latin:
- mutatis mutandis = "with change made to what needs to be inverse" (an ablative absolute construction)
The words need not be etymologically related, but simply conceptually, to be considered an example of cognate object:
- "We wept tears of joy."
Such constructions are not actually redundant (unlike "She slept a slumber" or "We wept tears") considering the object'south modifiers provide additional information. A rarer, more constructed form is polyptoton, the stylistic repetition of the same word or words derived from the same root:
- "...[T]he only matter nosotros accept to fear is fear itself."—Franklin D. Roosevelt, "First Inaugural Address", March 1933.
- "With eager feeding[,] food doth choke the feeder."—William Shakespeare, Richard II, II, i, 37.
As with cognate objects, these constructions are not redundant considering the repeated words or derivatives cannot exist removed without removing significant or even destroying the sentence, though in near cases they could exist replaced with not-related synonyms at the cost of style (e.g., compare "The only thing we have to fear is terror".)
Semantic pleonasm and context [edit]
In many cases of semantic pleonasm, the status of a word as pleonastic depends on context. The relevant context tin can exist as local equally a neighboring give-and-take, or every bit global as the extent of a speaker'southward knowledge. In fact, many examples of redundant expressions are not inherently redundant, but can exist redundant if used one way, and are not redundant if used another manner. The "upward" in "climb upward" is not always redundant, every bit in the example "He climbed upwardly and then fell down the mountain." Many other examples of pleonasm are redundant merely if the speaker's cognition is taken into account. For case, nigh English speakers would agree that "tuna fish" is redundant because tuna is a kind of fish. Nonetheless, given the cognition that "tuna" can as well refer a kind of edible prickly pear,[xix] the "fish" in "tuna fish" can be seen as non-pleonastic, but rather a disambiguator betwixt the fish and the prickly pear.
Conversely, to English speakers who do not know Spanish, there is goose egg redundant almost "the La Brea tar pits" because the name "La Brea" is opaque: the speaker does not know that information technology is Castilian for "the tar" and thus "the La Brea Tar Pits" translates to "the the tar tar pits". Similarly, even though scuba stands for "self-contained underwater breathing apparatus", a phrase similar "the scuba gear" would probably non be considered pleonastic considering "scuba" has been reanalyzed into English as a elementary word, and not an acronym suggesting the pleonastic word sequence "apparatus gear". (Nigh practise not even know that it is an acronym and exercise non spell it SCUBA or Southward.C.U.B.A. Similar examples are radar and laser.)
Meet too [edit]
- Ambiguity – Type of uncertainty of meaning in which several interpretations are plausible
- Buzzword – A word or phrase used to impress, or one that is stylish
- Elegant variation – Use of synonyms to avert repetition
- Error correction lawmaking – Scheme for controlling errors in data over noisy communication channels
- Effigy of speech – Alter of the expected design of words
- Glossary of rhetorical terms – Wikipedia glossary
- Graphomania – Obsessive impulse to write
- Hypergraphia – Psychological condition wherein a person is compelled to write or depict
- Irish gaelic bull – Ludicrous, incongruent or logically absurd argument, generally unrecognized every bit such past its writer
- List of redundant place names
- Logorrhea (psychology) – Communication disorder that causes excessive wordiness and repetitiveness
- Purple prose – Prose text that is overwritten in a way that disrupts a narrative menstruum
- RAS syndrome – Acronym redundantly coupled with its word(s)
- Verbosity – Speech or writing that uses more words than necessary
References [edit]
Citations [edit]
- ^ Latham, Robert Gordon (1855). A Hand-book of the English Linguistic communication: For the Use of Students of the Universities and Higher Classes of Schools. Walton & Maberly.
- ^ "Pleonasm - Definition and Examples of Pleonasm". Literary Devices. 14 February 2014. Retrieved 18 May 2021.
- ^ Okopień-Sławińska, Aleksandra (2008). "Pleonazm". In Słowiński, Janusz (ed.). Słownik terminów literackich (in Smooth). Wrocław. pp. 390–391.
- ^ Szymanek, Bogdan (3 March 2015). "Remarks on Tautology in Discussion-Formation". In Bauer, Laurie; Körtvélyessy, Lívia; Štekauer, Pavol (eds.). Semantics of Complex Words. Studies in Morphology. Vol. iii. Springer International Publishing (published three March 2015). p. 146. ISBN978-3-319-14102-2 . Retrieved 27 October 2020.
The concept of tautology is defined here, rather loosely, every bit 'expressing the same idea twice in dissimilar words'... Withal, according to some other accounts, such expressions should rather be viewed every bit instances of pleonasm.
- ^ Ex p Gorely, (1864) 4 De K 50 & Due south 477.
- ^ Partridge, Eric; Whitcut, Janet (1995). Usage and Abusage: A Guide to Expert English. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN0-393-03761-4.
- ^ a b c d eastward f grand h i Zuckermann, Ghil'advertising (2003), Linguistic communication Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781403917232 / ISBN 9781403938695 [1]
- ^ Jochheim, Tobias (iii June 2014). "Coffee to go — eine sprachliche Katastrophe". RP Online (in German). Retrieved 22 June 2021.
- ^ Norman Swartz & Raymond Bradley (1979). Possible Worlds: an introduction to Logic and its Philosophy.
- ^ Haegeman, L. (1991). Introduction to Government and Binding Theory. Blackwell Publishing. pp 62.
- ^ Horn, Laurence R. Universals of Human Language, Volume I, edited by Joseph H. Greenberg, p. 176
- ^ Wood, Jim P. (2008), "So-inversion as Polarity Focus"; in Michael Grosvald and Dianne Soares (eds.), Proceedings of the 38th Western Briefing on Linguistics; Fresno, California: Academy of California Printing; pp. 304-317
- ^ South, Robert (1744). "Sermon Thirteen Preached at St. Mary's, Oxford, on Sept. 12, 1658". Five boosted volumes of sermons preached upon several occasions. Vol. eight. p. 368.
- ^ Ong, Walter J., Orality and Literacy (New Accents), p. 38, ISBN 0-415-28129-6
- ^ McWhorter, John C. Doing Our Ain Thing, p. 19. ISBN 1-59240-084-ane
- ^ Evans, Bergen, Evans, Cor Nelia, and others, (1957), A dictionary of contemporary American usage, Random Business firm
- ^ Ciabattoni, Steve; Fear, David; Grierson, Tim; Love, Matthew; Murray, Noel; Tobias, Scott (29 July 2015). "Divine Comedy: 25 Best Stand-Upward Specials and Movies". Rolling Stone. Penske Business organization Media. "''George Carlin at USC'' (1978)" section. Retrieved 27 July 2018.
- ^ "The Christmas Song by Nat Male monarch Cole". Lyrics . Retrieved 26 March 2018.
- ^ a b c "tuna". 12 June 2018. Retrieved 17 July 2018.
Bibliography [edit]
- Smyth, Herbert Weir (1984) [1920]. "§3042". Greek Grammar (PDF). Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 681–682. ISBN0-674-36250-0.
External links [edit]
The dictionary definition of pleonasm at Wiktionary
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