Easy Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Without Brown Sugar

The All-time recipe for healthy oatmeal raisin cookies yous'll ever make! Soft, chewy & packed with raisins. They're so easy to make & they don't taste good for you at all!

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

I lived in the dorms during my freshman year of higher, and with only a small fridge the size of a microwave and no kitchen, I purchased a meal program and ate most of my lunches and dinners in the dining hall. Although usually somewhat skeptical of the entrées, I could always count on the salad bar for healthier options earlier stopping past the dessert station for sweetness treats. Even then, I needed my daily fix!

Sometimes I felt adventurous and sampled their latest raw vegan carrot cake or tofu chocolate cupcakes, merely their cookies were always the best. Chocolate fleck, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, tuxedo… Those were the softest and chewiest yous'd ever imagine. Information technology was like biting into little circles of sky!

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

Only with the actress chewy gene and aplenty amounts of cinnamon, the oatmeal raisin cookies were always the start I'd reach for. I oft headed downward to dinner with my next door neighbor, who enrolled in many of the aforementioned classes and quickly turned into my study buddy. Since oatmeal raisin were his favorite as well, nosotros'd catch a plate to nibble on while quizzing each other about mechanisms and equations for our adjacent chemical science and physics midterms.

Give thanks goodness the residue of the freshmen seemed to avert that flavor!

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

So now, quite a few years later, I decided that information technology was finally time to develop a recipe of my ain that rivaled—if not surpassed—those oatmeal raisin cookies. Something incredibly soft, unbelievably chewy, and absolutely irresistible… Exactly the contrary of the tedious, bland, or dry reputations oatmeal cookies sometimes concenter. And of course, being me and my blog, I wanted to make them healthier.

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

And so… These are it! They're the Ultimate Healthy Soft & Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies . They're chock full of hearty oats, sweet raisins, and lots of warm cinnamon. They're also simply 100 calories with no refined flour or carbohydrate. Trust me, you'll never need another recipe ever again!

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!


Now let's go over how to make these ultimate healthy oatmeal raisin cookies! I'm going to walk yous through some important ingredients you lot'll need and a few keys steps to assist you avert some of the more mutual problems. I cover many of these things in the video beneath the recipe too. If you'd rather skip straight to the recipe and first baking, go right ahead!

To offset, yous'll demand whole wheat flour or gluten-gratuitous flour. No refined all-purpose flour in these cookies! Y'all'll also need instant oats (also chosen "quick cooking" or "one infinitesimal" oats). Instant oats are smaller and thinner than traditional old-fashioned rolled oats. This ways they soften faster, which keeps your ultimate healthy oatmeal raisin cookies supremely soft and chewy! Y'all tin can usually find instant oats in canisters right next to the quondam-fashioned oats at the grocery store. (And no, they're NOT the same thing as in those flavored individual brown newspaper packets!)

It'southward extremely important to measure both the oats and flour correctly . Use this method or a kitchen scale if y'all own 1. (I highly recommend the latter! This is the one I own.)

If your cookies turned out dry out or failed to spread on the baking canvass, it'due south by and large likely because at that place was too much of either of those dry ingredients, especially the oats. They act like little sponges and soak upwards moisture, then adding likewise many volition quickly plough the cookies crumbly.

I promise these ultimate healthy oatmeal raisin cookies are worth taking the extra x seconds to measure your flour and oats correctly!

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

Whereas traditional recipes normally call for a full stick (or more!) of butter, you lot but need 2 tablespoons of coconut or oil butter . That actually helps continue your ultimate healthy oatmeal raisin cookies low calorie and low fat, and if yous employ coconut oil, they're also dairy-free!

Also unlike traditional recipes that use refined granulated sugar, you'll actually sweeten your ultimate healthy oatmeal raisin cookies with honey, agave, or pure maple syrup. These are unrefined sweeteners , and they all work equally well!

Then hither's one of my favorite tips for making the best e'er healthy oatmeal raisin cookies…

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

Don't add your raisins into the cookie dough straight from the package! Instead, hydrate your raisins offset . This is super elementary to practise! Add together them to a microwave-safe basin, comprehend them with water, and identify a lid or plastic wrap on top. Microwave them on high for 1 minute. Allow them sit for at least 5 minutes (or while you measure out and mix together the rest of the ingredients!). Past the time you're ready to drain them and stir them into the cookie dough, they'll be exceptionally plump and juicy… Which definitely creates the best healthy oatmeal raisin cookies imaginable!

Now that your cookie dough is all mixed together, chilling is mandatory . Most of the fourth dimension. If you added the correct amount of oats and flour, the dough should be wet and look more similar thick muffin batter. Chilling volition help stiffen the dough so information technology doesn't spread as much while baking. If your cookie dough is already stiff, skip the spooky and broil information technology right abroad.

(The video just in a higher place the recipe shows what the textures before and after spooky should look like!)

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

However, your ultimate healthy oatmeal raisin cookies will merely spread some subsequently chilling (not excessively!), and so if you want wider, somewhat thinner cookies, make sure yous flatten them slightly before baking . Just give them a little pat with a spatula. If you adopt thicker cookies, skip that and bake them correct later on scooping them onto the baking tray.

Finally, practise non overbake these cookies ! I always pull mine out slightly early, then let them sit on the warm blistering sheet longer. This allows the centers to proceed to fix without turning the outsides crisp and crunchy. Your ultimate salubrious oatmeal raisin cookies will stay soft and chewy for an entire week that way!

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

These Ultimate Healthy Soft & Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies didn't stand a risk at my house. Even with just me eating (and sneaking) them, they only lasted 4 days. I hope you enjoy them just as much!

And when you make your ain oatmeal raisin cookies, remember to snap a picture and share it on Instagram using #amyshealthybaking and tagging @amyshealthybaking IN the photo itself! (That guarantees I'll come across your pic! 🙂 ) I'd love to encounter your ultimate healthy oatmeal raisin cookies!

(My Healthier Chocolate Treats cookbook is full of sweet and healthy recipes like these oatmeal cookies! You tin can see a sneak preview of all of the recipes inside hither!)

These are the BEST EVER healthy oatmeal raisin cookies! They're soft, chewy & SO easy to make. These healthy oatmeal cookies are clean eating, low calorie & easily made gluten free with no refined sugar. But you'd NEVER guess! They taste AMAZING — not

The Ultimate Healthy Soft & Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Prep Time: xxx mins

Cook Fourth dimension: eleven mins

Inactive Time: forty mins

Total Time: 1 hr 21 mins

These oatmeal cookies are the best I've ever eaten! They're extremely chewy and packed full of warm cinnamon and raisins. To preserve their texture, shop any leftovers in an airtight container for up to a calendar week—if they final that long!

  • ane cup (100g) instant oats (measured like this & gluten-free if necessary)
  • ¾ loving cup (90g) whole wheat flour or gluten-free* flour (measured like this)
  • 1 ½ tsp baking pulverization
  • i ½ tsp ground cinnamon
  • tsp table salt
  • 2 tbsp (28g) coconut oil or unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
  • 1 big egg, room temperature
  • one tsp vanilla excerpt
  • ½ cup (120mL) dearest or agave
  • ¼ cup (40g) raisins (see Notes!)
  • Whisk together the oats, flour, baking pulverisation, cinnamon, and salt in a medium bowl. In a split basin, whisk together the coconut oil, egg, and vanilla. Stir in the honey or agave. Add in the flour mixture, stirring just until incorporated. Fold in the raisins. Chill the cookie dough for 30 minutes.

  • Preheat the oven to 325°F, and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.

  • Drop the cookie dough into 15 rounded scoops onto the prepared sheet, and flatten slightly. Broil at 325°F for eleven-14 minutes (see Notes!). Absurd on the pan for x minutes before transferring to a wire rack.

Of import MEASURING NOTE - READ BEFORE Offset: It'south extremely important to measure both the oats and flour correctly using this method or a kitchen scale. Besides much of either will dry out out the cookies and brand them cakey, bready, or crumbly instead of soft and chewy.

FLOUR ALTERNATIVES: White whole wheat flour, whole wheat pastry flour, or all-purpose flour may exist substituted for the regular whole wheat flour. (See my Oatmeal Cookie FAQ Page below for more options!)

Important OATS NOTE + Alternative: Instant oats are also chosen "quick cooking" oats and "one infinitesimal" oats. They come in large canisters, but similar erstwhile-fashioned oats. (They're NOT the ones in the pocket-sized flavored packets of oatmeal!) To make your own, add the same corporeality of old-fashioned rolled oats to a food processor, and pulse ten-12 times or until they're ¼ to ⅛ of their original size.

SWEETENER ALTERNATIVES: If y'all prefer, pure maple syrup may be substituted in identify of the honey or agave. You may likewise substitute ½ cup (96g) of coconut sugar or brown carbohydrate PLUS ¼ cup (60mL) of milk. (Any milk will work!)

Important RAISIN Note + "Clandestine" Footstep: For the best always oatmeal raisin cookies, hydrate your raisins showtime! Information technology makes them Then plump and juicy, which makes your cookies taste incredible! To do so, add the raisins to a microwave-prophylactic bowl, encompass them completely with water, and acme with a tight-plumbing fixtures lid or plastic wrap. Microwave on HIGH for 60 seconds. Let the raisins sit and blot h2o until only before you're ready to add them to the dough. Drain them thoroughly before folding them in.

IMPORTANT BAKING NOTE: For the best soft and chewy texture, do NOT overbake these cookies! They're actually done baking when the centers still experience slightly soft and underdone. By letting your cookies sit on the warm baking sheet for x minutes at the end of Step 3, it allows the centers to fully broil through and continue to ready without turning the outsides crisp and crunchy.

GLUTEN-Gratuitous VERSION: utilize gluten-gratis instant oats the post-obit gluten-free flour blend: ½ loving cup (60g) millet flour, 2 tablespoons (15g) tapioca flour, two tablespoons (15g) brownish rice flour, and ½ teaspoon xanthan glue. Most store-bought gluten-gratuitous flour blends (similar this i!) will also work, if measured like this.

DAIRY-Costless VERSION: Use the kokosnoot oil option or stick-style vegan butter (similar this!) instead of unsalted butter.

VEGAN VERSION: Substitute one ½ teaspoons Ener-Thousand + 2 tablespoons warm water for the egg white AND add an additional ½ tablespoon of kokosnoot oil or stick-manner vegan butter (like this!) for the egg yolk. Alternatively, you lot can follow this vegan oatmeal raisin cookie recipe of mine instead!

For all other questions regarding this recipe (including more ingredient substitutions!), please see my Oatmeal Cookie FAQ + Video Page.

{gluten-free, dairy-complimentary, make clean eating, depression fat, vegan option}

I'd love to hear what y'all think of it in a comment below! If you take a picture, tag @amyshealthybaking on Instagram or use the hashtag #amyshealthybaking.

Step past step photos…

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

Here is what the cookie dough should wait like just before chilling. Information technology resembles thick muffin batter more than cookie dough!

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

Here is what the cookies wait like before and after baking. They some, but not also much, so be sure to flatten them slightly with a spatula just earlier popping the baking sheet in the oven.

The BEST Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – these skinny, low fat, clean eating cookies don't taste healthy at all! You'll never need another oatmeal cookie recipe again!

You may also like Amy'due south Other Recipes…
  Chocolate Scrap Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies
  Salubrious Almond Joy Oatmeal Cookies
  Good for you Carrot Block Oatmeal Cookies
  Healthy Raspberry Oatmeal Cookies
  Healthy Apple Pie Oatmeal Cookies
  …and the rest of Amy's healthy oatmeal cookie recipes!


Source: https://amyshealthybaking.com/blog/2014/11/30/the-ultimate-healthy-soft-chewy-oatmeal-raisin-cookies/

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