Dag Hammarskjold Markings Quotes Once Again I Chose for Myself and Opened the Door to Chaos

Hannah'southward Reviews > Markings


Fascinating and sometimes cute quotes.
"Friendship needs no words--it is solitude delivered from the anguish of loneliness."
"We carry our nemesis within u.s.a.: yesterday's cocky-admiration is the legitimate father of today'south feeling of guilt."
"Your cravings as a human animate being do not become a prayer just considering it is God whom you ask to attend them."
"The Strait Road--to live for others in order to salvage one's soul. The Wide--to live for others in society to save one's self-esteem."
"You cannot play with the fauna in you without becoming wholly animal, play with falsehood without forfeiting your correct to truth, play with cruelty without losing your sensitivity of heed. He who wants to go along his garden tidy doesn't reserve a plot for weeds."
"He is one of those who has had the wilderness for a pillow, and called a star his brother. Lone. But loneliness can exist a communion."
"The overtones are lost, and what is left are conversations which, in their poverty, cannot hide the lack of real contact. Nosotros glide past each other. But why? Why--? We reach out towards the other. In vain--because we take never dared to requite ourselves."
"A modest wish: that our doings and dealings may exist of a little more significance to life than a human'south dinner jacket is to his digestion. Yet non a little of what we describe as our achievement is, in fact, no more than a garment in which, on festive occasions, we seek to hide our nakedness."
"At any rate, your contempt for your fellow man beings does not prevent you, with a well-guarded cocky-respect, from trying to win their respect."
"Only life tin satisfy the demands of life. And this hunger of mine tin exist satisfied for the uncomplicated reason that the nature of life is such that I can realize my individuality by becoming a span for others, a stone in the temple of righteousness. Don't be afraid of yourself, live your individuality to the full--simply for the good of others. Don't copy others in order to buy fellowship, or make convention your law instead of living the righteousness. To become free and responsible. For this alone was man created, and he who fails to take the Way which could have been his shall be lost eternally."
"Never allow success hibernate its emptiness from you, achievement its nothingness, toil its desolation. And so keep alive the incentive to push on further, that pain in the soul which dreives united states of america beyond ourselves. Whither? That I don't know. That I don't ask to know."
"To be "sociable"--to talk simply because convention forbids silence, to rub confronting 1 some other in order to create the illusion of intimacy and contact: what an example of la condition humaine. Exhausting, naturally, like any improper use of our spiritual resource. In miniature, one of the many means in which mankind successfully acts as its own scourge--in the hell of spiritual death."
""Lack of character--" All likewise hands we confuse a fear of continuing up for our beliefs, a tenency to be more influenced past the convictions of others than past our ain, or simply a lack of conviction--with the need that the strong and mature feel to give full weight to the arguments of the other side. A game of hide-and-seek: when the Devil wishes to play on our lack of graphic symbol, he calls it tolerance, and when he wants to stifle our first attempts to larn tolerance, he calls it lack of grapheme."
"Autumn in Lapland. The warm rain-laden east current of air rushes down the dried-upward river bed. On its banks, yellowing birches tremble in the storm. The opening bars in the smashing hymn of extinction. Non a hymn to extinction or considering of information technology. Non a hymn in spite of extinction. Simply a dying which is the hymn."
"The style of conduct which carries weight calls for stubbornness fifty-fifty in an deed of concession: you have to be astringent with yourself in social club to accept the right to be gentle with others."
"Maturity: among other things--not to hibernate one'south strength out of fear and, consequently, alive beneath i's all-time."
"He who has surrendered himself to it knows that the Manner ends on the Cross--fifty-fifty when it is leading him through the jubliation of Gennesaret or the triumphal entry into Jerusalem."
"Faulkner: Our final wish is to accept scribbled on the wall our "Kilroy was hither." The last ditch of the enemy. We tin cede ourselves completely to that which is across and above us--and still promise that the retention of our selection shall remain tied to our name or, at least, that future generations shall understand why and how we acted. At times it seems to us that the bitterness we experience when we neglect at an attempted chore lies in this: that our failure will condemn our efforts themselves to oblivion. O contradiction! O final stand! If only the goal tin can justify the sacrifice, how, then, tin can you lot attach a shadow of importance to the question whether or not the memory of your efforts will be associated iwth your proper noun? If y'all do, is information technology not all as well obvious that yous are nonetheless being influenced by your actions by that vain dead dream almost "posterity"?"
"Thou who art over united states of america,
1000 who art one of us,
K who art--
As well inside us,
May all see Thee--in me also,
May I prepare the way for Thee,
May I give thanks Thee for all that shall autumn to my lot,
May I also not forget the needs of others,
Keep me in Thy dearest
Every bit Thou wouldest that all should exist kept in mine.
May everything in this my being exist directed to Thy glory
And may I never despair.
For I am nether Thy hand,
And in Thee is all power and goodness.
Requite me a pure heart--that I may see Thee,
A apprehensive middle--that I may hear Thee,
A heart of love--that I may serve Thee,
A heart of faith--that I may abide in Thee."
""For human being shall commune with all creatures to his profit, but enjoy God lone." That is why no human being can be a permanent source of happiness to another."
"So, once again, yous chose for yourself--and opened the door to chaos. The chaos you go whenever God'due south mitt does non balance upon your head. He who has once been under God'due south mitt, has lost his innocence: only he feels the full explosive force of destruction which is released by a moment'southward surrender to temptation. But when his attention is directed beyond and above, how strong he is, with the strength of God who is inside him considering he is in God. Potent and costless, because his cocky no longer exists."
"Your position never gives you the right to command. It only imposes on you the duty of so living your life that others tin receive your orders without being humiliated."
"The "slap-up" commitment is so much easier than the ordinary everyday one--and can all too easily close out our hearts to the latter. A willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice can exist associated with, and even produce, a great hardness of heart. ... Concerning the hardness of heart--and its littleness-- Let me read with open eyes the book my days are writing--and larn."
"Forgiveness breaks the chain of causality because he who "forgives" you--out of love--takes upon himself the consequences of what you accept done. Forgiveness, therefore, e'er entails a cede. The cost you must pay for your own liberation through another's sacrifice is that you in turn must exist willing to liberate in the aforementioned fashion, irrespective of the consequences to yourself."
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